8 Hacks to Pack Like A Pilot

hacks to pack like a pilot

Tips to pack like a pilot so you can travel light.

hacks to pack like a pilot8 Hacks to Pack Like a Pilot

We have all seen the pilots fleeing through the airport with tiny little suitcases on wheels. Now that may not be realistic for most of us when we are packing for a trip, but here are some hacks that we have received from flight staff that you can use to pack like a pilot.

Fold and roll.  

There are tons of ways to pack a good suitcase, but there is nothing like the fold and roll. Not only do you save time on ironing once you reach your destination, but you can free up lots of space in your bag. Most clothing is made to roll up without much wrinkling.

Fill up space.

You have to make sure to use every available inch of space in your suitcase so stick to the fold and roll. Also, here is the time to tuck items like socks, undergarments, and other smaller items into your shoes for maximum room. Roll belts in shoes or along the outer edge of your suitcase.

When you think you are going to need multiple gadgets on your trips such as maps, GPS, a camera, or a video recorder, try to limit yourself to just one gadget that does it all. These days our smartphones and tablets cover all of those bases and then some.

Invest in quality.  

One of the best things you can do is buy a quality piece of luggage, especially if you are a frequent traveler.  The wear and tear our bags get from going airport to airport can take a toll.  So, go for a hard case suitcase with sturdy wheels and it will last so much longer.

Pack just 3 pairs.

Of shoes, that is.  All you really need is 3 of your most functional shoes on any trip.  Pack your comfortable dress shoes, a pair of exercise shoes, and of course some sort of sandal or flip flop so that you can avoid walking around on the hotel carpet.  

Keep it fresh and clean.  

One of the best tips anyone can use on any trip is to pack either a small bag of potpourri or a few scented dryer sheets inside your luggage. Even tuck some inside your shoes and place your shoes in a large zipped plastic bag to keep them freshen up.  Also, storing your shoes in bags will keep the dirty soles away from your clean clothes.

Wear your best onboard.

Everyone loves to be comfortable on a flight, so make sure when you are packing you leave out your favorite outfit and layer up a little so you can leave room in your bag for more items. If you are going to a colder destination, take along your coat and wear a sweater onboard so you don’t bulk up your bag. If you bring a hat, you may want to wear it so it doesn’t get crushed.

Wash on the go.

A great way to be able to pack a little less and carry a lighter road while traveling is to do a load of laundry at your hotel if you can. This is a huge deal if you have kids and all of their dirty clothes to contend with as well as your own.  Just check ahead of time that your hotel has laundry facilities or nearby place you can do a quick load, if needed.

See our Lifestyle website for more great packing tips for travel.

So there are a few tips. Do you have any we missed? Let us know in the comments.


Tips on how to pack like a pilot so you can travel light!

Author: Raquel

Raquel is a travel writer and lifestyle blogger from Southern, California. She has traveled for 25 years around the world.